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Effect of Check Dam on Sediment controlling and increasing the area of agricultural lands (A Case study Narun Khash sub-watershed)
Mansour Jahantigh * , Moien Jahantigh
Associate professor, Department Soil Conservation and Water Management, Sistan Agriculture and edition Natural Resources Research Center, AREEO, Zabol, Iran
Abstract:   (284 Views)
Unscientific use of natural and agricultural areas in order to meet food needs, especially in arid and semi-arid areas, causes rapid growth of soil erosion, followed by a decrease in the quantity and quality of underground water, a decline in agricultural and livestock products, and the occurrence of destructive floods that instead of blessings, they bring sorrow for the watershed residences. Therefore, in order to conservation water and soil resources, improve the environment and create a suitable platform for sustainable development in these areas, efficient management is required for the use of water and soil resources. One of the high potentials of dry and desert areas are the rainwater catchment systems, which have a high ability to extract rainfall for the improvement and development of these areas. This study investigated the effectiveness of check dams in controlling sedimentation and increasing the land level in one of the hydrological units in Narun Taftan Khash region. In order to conduct this research, one of the hydrological units from the primary sub-branches of this region was selected, where 15 check dams were constructed with public participation. First, the position of the clauses was determined. Then the dimensions and volume of each of them were estimated. Also, the amount of accumulated sediments in the tank of each of them was estimated. For this purpose, the height of sediment was measured in three locations and by obtaining their average as well as the length and width of the area with sediment, the area covered by these sediments was estimated. Then, the volume of sediments in the reservoir of each section was calculated based on the corresponding equation. The results showed that 67.51 cubic meters of stone were used for the construction of 15 Chinese dry dams in this catchment area, and the average contribution of each dam was 4.5 cubic meters. Also, the findings showed that the accumulated sediments in dam reservoirs and the average of each dam were 42.6 and 2.8 cubic meters, respectively.
In generally, these structures have improved 232.9 square meters of rocky land, and the share of each of them was 15.5 square meters on average. In general, with the construction of each cubic meter of China dry embankment in this area, 0.63 cubic meters of sediment can be controlled and also 3.5 square meters of rocky land is also corrected. It can be concluded that check dams are one of the suitable options to control erosion and sedimentation in the primary watercourses of watersheds where there are stone materials.
Article number: 2
Keywords: Correction dams, sediments, rainwater catchment systems, Taftan basin, check dam.
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
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مجله علمی سامانه های سطوح آبگیر باران Iranian Journal of Rainwater Catchment Systems
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